no 工事名稱 工事期間 數量 訂貨處 工事內容
Blast Door(7Bar) 2020.03.25 4 SET NSV CO.,LTD. CP TANG GO U.S. Armed Forces in Korea
Fire rate door(3Hr) 2020.07.20 3 SET U.S. Wheat Associates Korea Office Maintenance and Repair work
Fire rate door(3Hr) 2020.07.20 3 SET U.S. Meat Export Federation Korea Office Maintenance and Repair work
Fire rate door(3Hr) 2020.07.20 3 SET U.S. Grains Council Korea Office Maintenance and Repair work
Fire rate door(3Hr) 2020.07.20 3 SET Cotton Council International Korea Office Maintenance and Repair work
Blast Door(7Bar) Sling & Swing Doors 2020.10.27 7 Insong ENG Co., Ltd ECMs in AHA No.25 US Armed Forces in Korea